Friday, August 21, 2009

Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week

Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week is fast approaching.

This year it is happening between 4th-11th September You can get involved along with the rest of New Zealand and join in the national clean-up.

You can do a clean-up at anytime during the week. Get a group together. Friends, classmates, workmates. Your group can be any size large or small.

Choose an area you enjoy spending time in and has litter laying around. A favourite walk! a favourite play place!

Get in touch with Ivy at Wanaka Wastebusters and she can help choose a place with you and also make sure no two groups do the same place twice.

Wanaka Wastebusters is the KNZB co-ordinator this year for the Wanaka area. This means we will have a supply of bags and gloves for you to use for collecting the litter.

Before the day of your clean up come and see me and i can give you as many bags and gloves as you will need.

Afterwards bring all the bags back to Wanaka Wastebusters so we can keep a record of how much is collected and dispose of them for you.

Check out the KNZB website for more details about how the national campaign is going.

Ivy ( can't wait to hear from you all

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