Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wanaka Enviroschool Cluster Meeting
Grime Seen Investigations
We are starting a campaign to put the pressure on brand owners to take more responsibility for what happens to their products right up to the end of their life. We want you to join us.
During Keep New Zealand Beautiful week, people are focusing on picking up litter. We want to focus on exactly what brands litter is being picked up. We need to gather a whole lot more information and we need your help.
We have created an experiment to find out exactly what rubbish is being dropped.
Which are the most common brands?
Here are two ways you can help:
- Do a litter clean-up before Sept 4th, keep a record of your findings and email them back to me.
- If you are doing a litter clean-up as part of Keep New Zealand Beautiful week, keep a record of your findings and email them to me at the end of the KNZB week.
(If you are in the Wanaka Area you can bring your waste collected to Wanaka Wastebusters and I can sort through it for you)
In this pack when you open the attachments above you will find
- A ‘How to’ conduct the experiment fact sheet.
- A results page for you to record your results
- A link at the top of the page to a short film we made at Wanaka Wastebusters to get your creative juices flowing and inspire you with how much fun it can be.
So grab your friends, work buddies, family, anyone who is keen to help and get yourself out there. Let’s join together and make ourselves heard.
Email me if you are interested in taking part. I can also help with a media release of your results for your local area once the experiment is completed.
You can download the instructions here and you can download the recording sheet here.
Have fun out there with this awesome project, and if you need any more inspiration check out this super cool video that Ivy and some of our other team members made, it ROCKS!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Some Climate Change Resources
Who wants to go for a walk through an eco town?
Saturday, August 22, 2009
More Building Inspiration
Friday, August 21, 2009
Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week
Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week is fast approaching.
This year it is happening between 4th-11th September You can get involved along with the rest of New Zealand and join in the national clean-up.
You can do a clean-up at anytime during the week. Get a group together. Friends, classmates, workmates. Your group can be any size large or small.
Choose an area you enjoy spending time in and has litter laying around. A favourite walk! a favourite play place!
Get in touch with Ivy at Wanaka Wastebusters and she can help choose a place with you and also make sure no two groups do the same place twice.
Wanaka Wastebusters is the KNZB co-ordinator this year for the Wanaka area. This means we will have a supply of bags and gloves for you to use for collecting the litter.
Before the day of your clean up come and see me and i can give you as many bags and gloves as you will need.
Afterwards bring all the bags back to Wanaka Wastebusters so we can keep a record of how much is collected and dispose of them for you.
Ivy ( can't wait to hear from you all
Thursday, August 20, 2009
350 Aotearoa Tour Hits Wanaka
- Make as many personal changes you can to reduce your emissions; drive less, reduce power use, consume less etc.
- Work actively within your community for change at a local level.
- Join a grass roots global movement that holds our leaders accountable to the latest climate science.